My daughter has REALLY been into dressing up and is turning into a real fashion icon :) The part that has been difficult is that she has been completely stripping her closet and when we go into her room, we are finding all sorts of partially worn clothing items strewn around. Most of the time it's cute and she's been coming up with some crazy outfits. Other times, I just want to curl up in my bed and go to sleep - so much time to sort through everything and figure out what is really dirty.
But... this morning she has been a doll :) It's still rainy and windy outside and my little one is definately an outdoor kind of girl (don't let the tutu fool you!) and it has been REALLY hard for her to stay inside. So when she started picking things out of her room to put on, I just let her.
And this is what she came up with: red long sleeve shirt, mom's under-roos (anyone remember those) that my mom had saved, boys Cars underwear (that you can't see - it's a shame too), the tutu, mismatched socks and white patent leather shoes from last Easter that really don't fit anymore (but don't tell her that)!!! Just remember this girl... she'll be all over the front pages of many a magazine when she gets older - I just hope it's not all over the "Worst Dressed" list!!! :)
I think she looks FABULOUS!
Fantastic! What a little fashion diva! :)
She is soooooooooo cute!! A girl with a mind of her own and her own sense of fashion....She looks GREAT!
OMG, she looks like she belongs in NY's Fashion week--too cool! I want those r2D2 under-roos, those totally rock! What a little hipster ;)
she's a rock star. definitely a trend setter!
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